Although Winston and Julia were highly contrastive, there was things that brought them closer to bumpher. slightly of these things include rebelling against large comrade, hiddenly of course. Even though they twain knew any sort of circulate in the midst of males and females was extremely prohibited, they still went ahead and unplowed showdown which each other. They risked their lives for each other, for their supposed love. Some of the major differences between them was age. Winston would have been around late 30s, late 40s, Something or so would diagnose old. While Julia was around her 20s, which is considered young. Winston had veins popping out, and looked old, go Julia looked amazing, with her whacky skin, nice eyes, and hair color. They had both worked in extremely different depart ments, making them completely uncompatible in their society. Julia had cover herself, by working(a) with the Anti Teen Sex, showing she cared and believed for everything the part y did, go she in truth didnt. Winston only wrote in his diary, and lived his life the alike(p) itinerary daily, regular though he would write, Down with extensive Brother. Some major similarities would have to be both of them rebelling against the party. They both hated, and disagreed amply with the party, of course not showing those feelings, in fear of creation vaporized.

Winston love seeing or hearing active putrefaction in the party, which Julia told him about. He asked Big Brother gone, that sharing his feelings, could end up placing him in the two spell hate. Julia had sexual activities with mos t of the party members, hundreds to thousand! s of them. This showed extreme corruption to the party, and Winston love it. He loved the fact Julia had sex with so some(prenominal) of them, and utter he would love her more and more, the more men she slept with from the party. This was his way of knowing the party was slowly being rebelled against. Julias font shows she cared about nothing but her self, and her personal pleasure. This was shown around in...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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